ICYMI: Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda Ruled the Runway During Paris Fashion Week

Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda are two of the most recognizable women in the world. They’re both queens of the silver screen and equally influential in the realms of beauty and fashion. (Mirren, for one, made headlines most recently for helping to spark an important societal dialogue after explaining how she was against the term “anti-aging”).

We, like most everyone else on the planet, think that their beauty, talent, success, and confidence are super inspiring and worthy of looking up to, which is why their most recent project kind of blew our minds. As InStyle reported, the two women, who are 72 and 79, respectively, walked the L’Oréal runway at Paris Fashion Week, helping to create an entirely positive, inclusive, and representational fashion show that was the first of its kind.